

Russian grilled meat also known in Hungary as muggers’ meat

The secret ingredients of a really good saslik are füstölt csemegeszalonna (similar to smoked fat bacon – in fat we trust). If you use these ingredients, your saslik will taste totally different!


Skewers – I recommend wooden skewers but a simple stick works as well.

1-2 California paprika (we’re hungarians, we almost always use paprika)

A regular sized courgette

2-3 onions

Smoked fat bacon (füstölt csemegeszalonna)

Gyulai kolbász (hungarian sausage, a simple smoked sausage is perfect but if you have a chance to taste Gyulai please don’t miss it)

50-60 dkg (1,3 pound)meat (fillet leg of chicken or/and wings, pork tenderloin, lamb, veal, you can mix them or skew ALL of them J)

Greek or/and hungarian mixed spice

Oil for the grill and to marinate

Slice the meat to 2-3 cm pieces the day before or at least a few hours before grilling and rub the mixed spices into them. You can use some salt as well if necessary. Pour some oil onto them but do not let sink into the oil.

Preparation, grilling

Slice the california paprika and courgette and chop the onion into quarters. Slice the sausage and the bacon into 2x2 cm (0.8 ") pieces. Skew the vegetables, the meat and the bacon and then start to grill them slowly. That is the moment when the scents make you wanna dance. Be careful, don’t try to do this fast an make sure you turn the skewer a few times. I say 8-10 minutes should be a minimum!

Useful Tips

I encourage you to change the recipe depending on how much you prefer vegetables to meat /vica versa.

You can grill it outdoor but in this case please drop tha bacon otherwise your house will burn down to hell and use grill sausage instead of smoked sausage.

You can skew mushrooms, cucumber or potatoes as well.


With greek salad, fresh salad, tzatziki, french fries – as you like it.

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